Terminal Diagnosis: Respecting Patients’ Wishes for Home or Facility-based Care

Receiving a terminal diagnosis is a deeply personal experience that prompts important decisions about end-of-life care. One crucial factor to consider is whether the patient prefers to receive care at home or in a facility. In this post, we will explore the significance of respecting patients’ wishes for home or facility-based care, highlighting the importance of personalized care and providing support for both patients and their families.

  1. Person-Centered Care:

Respecting patients’ wishes for home or facility-based care is rooted in person-centered care. We discuss the importance of tailoring care plans to meet individual needs, values, and preferences. By involving patients in decision-making, healthcare providers can ensure that their desires are honored throughout their journey.

  1. Home-Based Care:

Home-based care can offer comfort, familiarity, and a sense of independence for patients. We explore the benefits of home care, including the ability to receive care in the familiar surroundings of home and the support of loved ones. We also discuss the importance of a comprehensive care team, including healthcare professionals and caregivers who provide the necessary medical, emotional, and practical support.

  1. Facility-Based Care:

For some patients, receiving care in a facility, such as a hospice or palliative care unit, may be the preferred option. We explore the benefits of facility-based care, including access to specialized healthcare professionals, 24/7 support, and a peaceful environment dedicated to end-of-life care. Facility-based care can also provide respite for family caregivers, ensuring that patients receive the necessary care and support.

  1. Open and Honest Communication:

Clear and open communication is vital in respecting patients’ wishes for home or facility-based care. We discuss the importance of early and ongoing conversations among patients, healthcare providers, and family members to ensure that everyone understands the patient’s preferences and to address any concerns or challenges that may arise.

  1. Comprehensive Support and Resources:

Respecting patients’ wishes for home or facility-based care requires access to comprehensive support and resources. We highlight the importance of providing patients and their families with information and guidance on the available options, as well as connecting them with local healthcare providers, hospice organizations, and support networks. This ensures that they have the necessary resources to make informed decisions and receive appropriate care.

  1. Regular Evaluation and Flexibility:

Patients’ preferences for home or facility-based care may evolve over time. We emphasize the need for regular evaluation of the patient’s condition and goals, ensuring that care plans are flexible and adaptable. By regularly reassessing and adjusting care options, healthcare providers can meet the changing needs and wishes of patients.


Respecting patients’ wishes for home or facility-based care is crucial in providing compassionate and person-centered end-of-life care. By engaging in open and honest communication, providing comprehensive support and resources, and maintaining flexibility in care plans, healthcare providers can honor patients’ preferences and ensure that they receive care that aligns with their desires and enhances their quality of life during their terminal diagnosis.